Mushrooms, Weakness and Doubt

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Poems by Sylvia Plath and Kay Ryan take the peripheral status of the fungal kingdom as an invitation to consider the scientific knowns and unknowns, and cultural significance, of mushrooms.

Microbial ecologist Serita Frey, chef Gabrielle Hamilton, plant pathologist Barry Pryor, health advocate Dr. Andrew Weil, writers Maria Popova and Maria Pinto, and journalist Frank Bruni join host Elisa New.

In this episode, we welcome guests:

Frank Bruni, Author
Dr. Serita Frey, Microbial Ecologist
Gabrielle Hamilton, Chef
Mikayla Mace Kelley, Science writer
Maria Pinto, Writer and forager
Maria Popova, Writer
Dr. Barry Pryor, Professor of Plant Sciences, University of Arizona
Dr. Andrew Weil, The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine

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