Donor Profile: Deeann Griebel

Financial advisor and long-time Arizona PBS supporter Deeann Griebel grew up in southwestern Minnesota, but with an accounting degree and a CPA license, she could build a career anywhere. Arizona’s growing economy and the appeal of living near a university brought her to Tempe.

“I didn’t want snow,” she reminisced. “I didn’t want humidity. So, I eliminated everything north of the Mason-Dixie line and everything east of the Mississippi River. Texas had a late spring snow storm in 1980, so that eliminated Texas.”

Today, Griebel works as the Managing Director of Investments for Moors and Cabot, a 125-year-old wealth management firm, where she appreciates being able to make a difference for her clients. She’s particularly proud of her role in closing down the Baptist Foundation of Arizona’s Ponzi scheme in 2006 and helping its victims understand what had happened and how to proceed.

Outside of the office, Griebel likes to stay active, both physically and mentally: she enjoys running, jogging, biking and swimming as well as researching things that she’s curious about. NOVA is one of her favorite shows on Arizona PBS for its news on recent scientific theories and discoveries. Her other must-watch show is Arizona Horizon – she names Ted Simons as her favorite PBS personality.

“It tries to give unbiased information and analysis on current topics. When Arizona news happens, such as the voting fiasco of 2016, Ted Simons is the first one with the sit-down interview.”

“My parents said ‘education is not everything,’” Griebel added. “Education must be paired with accurate information in order to drive accurate decision-making. PBS is one of the few sources left that provides accurate information!”

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