“World on Fire” is an adrenalized, emotionally gripping and resonant World War II drama that follows the intertwining fates of ordinary people in five countries as they grapple with the effects of the war on their everyday lives. The new Masterpiece miniseries begins Sunday, Apr. 5 at 8 p.m. and will air every Sunday through May 17. Set in Britain, Poland, France, Germany and the United States, the events of the seven-hour series take place during the first year of the war.
Apr. 5: Episode One
When war breaks out, young translator Harry vows to help his Polish lover Kasia flee Warsaw, but how will he explain this to his sweetheart Lois, waiting for him at home in Manchester? Watch online.
Apr. 12: Episode Two
A month into war and with Warsaw destroyed, Harry is desperate for news, while Kasia joins the Polish resistance. Watch online.
Apr. 19: Episode Three
Tom faces the fight of his life aboard the HMS Exeter, while Harry and Lois have a more personal battle to fight. Watch online.
Apr. 26: Episode Four
Harry’s courage is tested at Loucain, while Kasia’s resistance activity in Warsaw intensifies. Watch online.
May 3: Episode Five
Harry and his unit reach Dunkirk, with the odds stacked against them. Watch online.
May 10: Episode Six
Paris falls to the Nazis, and Webster and Albert’s lives are turned upside down. Watch online.
May 17: Episode Seven
Harry has a second chance at saving Kaisa from Warsaw. In Manchester, could Lois be set for happiness at last? Watch online.