Educators, a great way to start off the new year is by making vision boards with your students. This activity helps students to think about goal-setting in the new year in a fun and creative way.
Here are three ways to implement this activity in your classroom:
- Digital vision board: You can have students create a Google Slides presentation. They can type in the year in the middle and insert images representing their goals and aspirations for the new year. This tech version is probably most successful with older students who are more comfortable with technology. However, it is a fun way to introduce Google Slides in the classroom if you haven’t already.
- Posters: The more traditional method can be just as enjoyable for students. Templates are available online, such as a purchasable one from the Teachers Pay Teachers website. One template has students draw themselves in the center before choosing from a bank of objects to color and cut or glue. The template also includes a bank of goals, which can be helpful for younger students. The ideas vary from things such as “drink more water” to “raise my hand in class.”
- Magazine or newspaper cut-outs: You can take poster vision boards one step further and bring in magazines and newspapers. Students can then take time choosing images from these to add to their vision boards. This collage-style vision board is aesthetically pleasing and can be hung up year-round to remind students of their goals and aspirations for the new year.
In what other ways do you see yourself implementing vision boards and goal-setting this new year? Share your ideas with us on Arizona PBS KIDS on Facebook.
About the author

Marissa Will is the mother of two, Olivia (6) and Logan (4). Writing was her first passion: she’s a freelance writer and a Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication alumna. Will is currently educating the future leaders of tomorrow: She has spent the past nine years educating third grade with a master’s degree in elementary education from Northern Arizona University-Yuma.