Journalists’ Roundtable: Ducey criticizes Trump indictment and more
Aug. 18, 2023
It’s Friday and that means it’s time for the Journalists’ Roundtable. Joining us this week for a look at the week’s top stories are Mary Jo PItzl of The Arizona Republic and azcentral.com, Laurie Roberts of the Arizona Republic and azcentral.com and Howie Fischer of Capitol Media Services.
This week’s topics include:
- Ducey criticizes Trump indictment
- Possible future of indictments for Arizona, including fake electors
- Petersen to sue Fontes over elections manual
- Hobbs social media conduct as Secretary of State to be examined by house panel
- Attorney General Mayes asks court to reject Abe Hamadeh’s appeal
- Mayes/Horne clash over dual language again