Monday, August 12 at 9 a.m.
“Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” is an animated program for preschoolers ages 2 to 4 which builds on the pioneering PBS series, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” This series, for a new generation of children, tells its engaging stories about the life of a preschooler using musical strategies grounded in Fred Rogers’ landmark social-emotional curriculum. Through imagination, creativity and music, Daniel and his friends learn the key social skills necessary for school and for life.
The star of the series is 4-year-old Daniel Tiger, son of the original program’s beloved puppet Daniel Striped Tiger, who invites young viewers into his world, giving them a kid’s eye view of his life. Daniel talks directly to viewers, warmly drawing them in and making them feel like one of his neighbors. As they closely follow and share Daniel’s everyday adventures, preschoolers and their families learn fun and practical strategies and skills necessary for growing and learning.
Each episode of “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” consists of two engaging stories that center on a common early learning theme such as dealing with disappointment. One of the key ingredients that sets the new series apart is its groundbreaking use of catchy, musical strategies that reinforce each theme and that preschoolers and parents will both sing — and use — together in their daily lives.
The series’ stories were written based on extensive input from a wide range of early learning specialists, formative research with children and the benefit of more than 40 years of the work of Fred Rogers. It all adds up to a powerful tool for parents: an entertaining and thoughtful guide for today’s families that integrates music, interactivity and a research-based curriculum.
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