Arizona author writes new crime thriller
Jan. 5, 2023
Sami Garcia is an Arizona-based author who has written a thriller about bomb ordinance team. It’s called “Light Em’ Up.” Garcia has a degree in criminal justice, and has spent years working in corrections. The screenplay based on the book has won 7 awards, 2 for best screenplay, 1 for best screenplay feature and the rest were bronze awards for best TV pilot screenplay.
Book Summary
When survival is determined by a ticking fuse, a rogue team of experts brings the fire. Officer Harris and her bomb squad pyros defend the public from dangerous murders when they are, in fact, facing a perilous stalker themselves. Harris and McKenzie, her professional and romantic partner, are in search of who they are as a couple and who their local serial bomber is in this first book of the highly anticipated Light Em’ Up series.
About the author
Sami Garcia has a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal justice and years of experience working in corrections. Starting as an officer at the state prison, Sami worked her way up through the ranks to Associate Deputy Warden, allowing her an insight into law enforcement.
For more information on the book, click here.